Saturday, January 20, 2007

What It Is Like to Be On Chemotherapy 2

Alex, 36-year old male had colon cancer. He underwent an operation and chemotherapy once a week for a whole year. Due to the chemotherapy, he was unable to sleep, lost his appetite, felt many discomforts and was very weak. He also lost much of his red blood cells.

In October 2000, Alex had his third cycle of chemotherapy and this time he took the Chemo-tea. He felt better and he did not suffer any side effects. Alex said that he could sleep well, while previously his sleep was disturbed. He had now changed his diet, taking only fruits, vegetables and a bit of fish. He did not take meat and dairy products. Previously, he and his family were ardent meat eaters, rarely touching vegetables and fruits. Alex had found out that he had more strength now. Again he told us that he could work from 10.30 a.m. till 10 p.m. without problems. His weight had increased to 67 kilograms.

Alex: I was lucky that in a short while, my weight had increased 1 kg a week after I started taking the herbs, It was 54 kg before the operation. After one week, it just kept on going up. I had good bowel movements, the stools were well formed. Before taking herbs and after the operation, my stools were soft and watery. When I took the herbs, I noticed that my stools were well formed. I knew I had found the right remedy. If my stools were alright, my digestion was working. I have never stopped taking the herbs since I started.

Question: You just came back from the hospital after your chemo-injection. Tell us what happened?
Alex: I just had my chemotherapy before I came here. I go for chemotherapy once a week, supposed to be for fifty-two times. Each chemotherapy session lasts for about one and a half hours. The drug is administered using a drip. There’s one solution with the chemo-drug and another without. The one without the chemo-drug is dripped in first, to let the blood vessels get used to it, before the one with the drugs is added in. Before the chemotherapy, I am given an anti-nausea injection, so as to make you dizzy and unable to vomit. But you will definitely vomit! Only after half an hour are the drugs administered.

If I drink the Chemo-tea, I don’t suffer. If I don’t drink the Chemo-tea, it becomes very difficult for me; I can’t eat or sleep for a day. If I take the Chemo-tea, I burp, urinate and clear my bowels often. I feel better. Then I go back home, drink the herbal tea and lots of water. After that I will be urinating and passing my stools often, like I have diarrhoea. Then I will be alright.

So, now as soon I get home, I start working until past 10 p.m. I could even wash my car and polish it too! Right now, I have just completed my chemotherapy session. I woke up at 5.10 a.m. this morning. I took my bath and recited my prayers. The prayers took about an hour and a half. Then I took my car and drove to Penang. When I got to the hospital, the first thing to do is to get my blood count done. This is to ensure that I am fit for my chemotherapy. If the blood is not high enough I can’t go for my chemotherapy.

After talking to you, I shall go home. Work, etc. and etc. Then tonight I am coming back to Penang again. I go Tanjung Tokong to pray at 9 p.m. So, every week, that is my routine.

Question: Okay, this is you and the herbs. Did you see other patients who didn’t take the herbs?
Alex: Those who didn’t take the herbs did not look good. I saw quite a lot of them who were very weak. They were so surprised that I could still work. They told me that they could not even wake up and do anything, nor could they sleep. If I didn’t take the herbs, I would not be able to go on!

After four times within four weeks, one person’s hands and veins just turned dark or black. I saw one patient with his veins all black. Wah, it was terrible. He was so shrivelled up. His blood level was low, ten point something. When he started, his blood count was 13.75. After four times, it went down to 10.5.

I also had my bone marrow checked. The doctor said: Everything good! Normal. Everything is good! I also went to a blood specialist and he advised me to continue my chemotherapy. I was doing very well.

Question: Do you think the herbs helped you at all?
Alex: I went for four or five chemotherapy sessions before I started taking the Chemo-tea. It was very bad. It felt very difficult. I was nauseous and couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep, for a whole night, you know. I could not work. This effect lasted until the following morning, sometimes extending into another whole day. I cried and I couldn’t eat. I only started taking the Chemo-tea after the fourth or fifth session.

Question: Wow! It was that bad? After taking the Chemo- tea, how did you feel?
Alex: After taking the Chemo-tea, I did not suffer from all these effects anymore. See, I just had my chemotherapy two hours ago. Without taking this Chemo-tea, I would not be able to come here for this interview. I would simply go back home, straight into the bedroom and lie down. But I would still not be able to sleep. For twenty-four hours, I will not be to move nor sleep. It will be very bad, and very painful. Without the help of Chemo-tea, I would just lie on the deck chair, unable to sleep or do anything. With the Chemo-tea, I’d be able to wake up, have breakfast and all, wash the car, polish it and still come back here later tonight! Every Tuesday is always like this. It is my routine.

Question: So are you sure that the Chemo-tea helps?
Alex: It would be very difficult without it. True, without the Chemo-tea, it would be very difficult. However much I eat, I would still vomit. And the food couldn’t really go down. Now, I’m hungry. Once I get home, I will eat, bathe, change my clothes and go to work. Just now before coming here, I had a loaf of bread. See, no problems.

Extracted from the author’s book: Cancer Success Stories Book 2: Miraculous Healing.

For more information on natural healing for cancer:

For more stories about cancer healing in video go to:
CA Care Video.

For answers to cancer questions go to: Cancer-Answers

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